We have three different areas to choose from and all food is available all hours of the day. Just like at Kookum's house!
Bannock Dog - $2.50
Hot dog wrapped with bannock and fried in oil.
Homemade Naboob (soup) - $5.75
Just like Kookum's! Hamburger soup with wild rice & vegetables.
Oven Bannock $10.00
Pre-made bannock that you can take home. Perfect with jam!
Indian Taco - $10.25
Fresh bannock topped with taco meat, with shredded cheese, tomatoes, lettuce and taco sauce.
Taco in a Bag Deluxe - $10.50
Small dorito bag loaded with taco meat, shredded cheese, tomatoes, lettuce, and taco sauce!
Bannock Burger & Fries - $10.25
Fresh bannock with a 1lb homemade burger with all the fixings, with a side order of fries.
Coffee/Tea - $1.25
Medium sized cup of javaaaa or a classic Red Rose tea bag.
2L Pop - $3.75
Pepsi, Brisk, Orange, 7-Up.
Nibi - Free
We believe water is life so no charge!